Welcome to Rebel Bread

Rebel Bread is a Community Bakery and Bread School based in Denver, Colorado. We wholesale bread and pastries to local coffee shops, bake for farmers markets and our Bread Club, and offer classes for every kind of home baker.

We’re a small team of bakers, dedicated to bringing our community thoughtfully-made artisanal bread and pastries. Our mission is to challenge your relationship with food, and we want to do that through providing educational opportunities and sparking thoughtful conversation.

We’re so excited to have you here! We wanted to give our Bread Friends a closer look into our bakery, so that we could share our experiences, our knowledge, and our love of bread. That’s exactly what you’ll find here on our Lab Notes blog. Our bakers have so much to share with you, and we’re glad to have this online platform until we can reconnect with you in person. So here goes- we hope you love reading it as much as we love writing it!


Since our founder, Zach Martinucci, opened the bakery in October 2018, Rebel Bread has been hard at work. Not to brag, but we’ve done a lot of cool stuff. Since you’re new here, we figured we would show you around:

Check out founder Zach’s Against The Grain Podcast to learn about the journey to building a bakery, a community, and a relationship around bread.

If you’ve been wondering about how to find us, and how to get your hands on all of this bread we keep talking about, check out our Farmers Markets, Weekly Bread Club, and Wholesale pages. You’ll be able to visit us in person, get bread and pastries for pickup and delivery, or check out our wholesale partners in your area.

We love having guest students in our virtual kitchen, so check out our Online Events to see what we’ve got going on this month. We offer hands-on classes for things like sourdough, pastries, pasta, and more.

Sign up for our newsletter for occasional updates about what’s going on at the bakery, sent directly to your inbox.

If you’ve got more questions about Rebel Bread, check out our FAQ page (coming soon), and stay tuned for more posts to meet each member of our team, get some great recipes, and learn more about what we do.

We hope you’ll stick around and break bread with us.

Much love,

-Rebel Team

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